Our office will be closed in celebration of the holidays starting Saturday, December 21st. We will reopen on Thursday, January 2nd.


49th Anniversary

January 22, 2025, is my 49th Anniversary of the day I began my life’s work in Natural Holistic Healthcare and founded the Center for Effective Living® in 1976. Deep in my heart and soul was the Divine knowing that the true path to wellness requires a holistic approach. Back in

One year ago today…

One year ago today, I received the recognition award of Doctor Honoris Causa at the World Knowledge Summit at the Pontifica Universidad Católica del Ecuador located in Ibarra. The honorary doctorate was in recognition of my lifetime contributions to developing Holistic Iridology® and advancing natural medicine worldwide. I also presented

Declaration of International Cooperation

Dr. Pesek was honored by being the keynote speaker. In this photo, he and Dr. Ponzo are introducing the historic Declaration of International Cooperation initiated by Dr. Pesek. This historic document was signed by 15 iridologists who were the speakers representing 13 nations. Dr. Pesek and the International College of