January 22, 2025, is my 49th Anniversary of the day I began my life’s work in Natural Holistic Healthcare and founded the Center for Effective Living® in 1976. Deep in my heart and soul was the Divine knowing that the true path to wellness requires a holistic approach.
Back in 1976, people did not understand that “All Healing Begins at the Spiritual level first, then into the Mental and Emotional levels, and finally into the Physical Body. This is the True Nature of the Healing Process.”
Over the past 49 years, I have been blessed with an amazing journey traveling around the world while teaching and contributing to the advancement of Natural Holistic Healthcare and Holistic Iridology®.
Helping people to improve their lives is my life’s mission. It fills my heart with love and joy to experience people transforming their lives on all levels. The Holistic Healthcare paradigm is the pathway to enlightenment. And while you are on the pathway, remember that as humanity we are all one people, and share your love and light with everyone everywhere.
Love, Light, and Blessings,
Prof. David J. Pesek, Ph.D, D.H.C.

The Center was at the leading edge and decades ahead of its time.