Unsolicited and Heartfelt❤️from My Students
Doc Pesek,
You have leading edge science you are teaching. How you were able to piece all this together still amazes me. This was your gift from the universe. In my opinion you deserve a Nobel Prize for this information. This is so advanced, no other iridology comes close.
Love you,
Ron S.

To Future Students,
Holistic Iridology® is a subtle, non-invasive, complementary tool that aids in the understanding of the individual’s health status from a comprehensive perspective. It encompasses not only the physical, emotional and mental aspects of the individual, but also the spiritual factors and genetic influences on the person’s life. Through this delicate yet profound technique, we are able to understand the person as a whole in order to promote health and wellbeing.
Dr. Hector C.

To Future Students,
I’ve been a licensed Optometrist for close to 25 years. I took several courses covering different aspects of Iridology yet always felt that something was lacking. Then I met Dr. Pesek and enrolled in his Holistic Iridology® course. All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and I was able to confidently blend this integrative system with my optometric practice.
I highly recommend the Diplomate of Holistic Iridology® Program with Dr. Pesek. The delivery of the material is clear and entertaining.
Thank you so much,
Dr. Cindy C.

Hello Dr. Pesek,
I am writing you today to first thank you for your inspiration and teachings in Holistic Iridology and it’s because of you that it has brought even more to light all I believe to be truth. I also must mention that with all my Iridology training and education, I am most proud to have achieved my Diplomate in Holistic Iridology through you. This for me has truly become my crowning achievement thus far, and for that I am so incredibly grateful.
Thank you so much,
Steffany H.

Dr. David,
You are exceptional. What you have accomplished and shared with the world is remarkable. You are a leading force in the world of Iridology and should be extremely proud. Your professionalism is exceptional and the integrity and quality with which you do things is very impressive. I am grateful for everything.
Peace, Love & Hugs,
Jackie L.

Dr. Pesek,
I just wanted to personally thank you. I found myself crying alot just at your introduction in the 1st chapter. I felt my inner soul directing me and reassuring me I am on my way to great things and I made the right decision to study Holistic Iridology®. I really felt like you were speaking directly to me on a personal level in your online videos. Again, just want to say Thank You for all you have done for the planet!
Tammi E.

Hello Dr. Pesek,
I enjoyed you all week. I believe me meeting you was in Divine order. You helped me to see a bigger picture and to change my life as far as my mental state. I am so proud of myself. Thank you for all the encouragement.
Takisha S.

My Esteemed Professor,
First of all, I would like to congratulate you for your invaluable work in the dissemination, study and defense of Iridology. And for your fantastic work in continuing to make the best International Congress of Iridology. CONGRATULATIONS!!
A big hug, light and love,
Javier E.

I am thankful for the opportunity to learn this valuable tool. It is also helping me to wake and realize I need to overcome some issues in my life to move forward.
God’s blessings and thank you for making a difference in my life. You do not know how your courses have helped me change my life.
Thanks again and may God bless you.
Genive A.

Hi Dr. Pesek and Kimberley,
Just want to say thanks for a great week. It was a great opportunity to keep growing in a personal and professional way.
My blessings to all of you.
Omar D. B.

Congrats Doc Pesek!
48 years of Natural Health and Educating those of Us Blessed to Learn from You. Dr. Jensen ‘Passed the Torch’; and You have been the Ultimate Marathoner – Enlightening Our Paths towards a Better World. Thanks for Y’all’s Sacrifices, Efforts, and Most of All ‘Love’!
Honored to be A Student,
Dr. Benj D.

Dear Dr. Pesek,
I’m so thankful that God works things out and leads us to where we’re meant to be. I know I’m in the right place with every class I watch.
Thank you for your years of dedication and for paving the way for many, including myself. It feels amazing to be completing a dream of mine.
Best Regards,
~ Misty A.

Hi Doc,
Thank you for your grace and graciousness supporting me above and beyond. Thank you for your encouragement and light in my life. Thank you for all you do. You are a true inspiration of human achievement.
Love, Bliss and Many Blessings,
~ Danielle R.

Hello Dr. Pesek!
Please know that I appreciate and love all that you’ve done for me and so many natural health professionals! It’s because of learning through all of the opportunities you’ve presented that I’ve been able to help countless people and do so every day.
God Bless you and Michele!
Very Fondly,
~ Aimee L.

Dr. Pesek,
Now after studying Holistic Iridology Level I, I understand why I was a certified “earidologist” (LOL) after taking a 3 day class with another instructor, and the course I took prior CANNOT COMPARE relative to your course material!! I am grateful that I learned from you, Dr. Pesek.
~ Linda P.

Continue with this great work you are developing throughout the entire planet. Congratulations! I am grateful for your master classes. Receive my greetings and hugs for you and your team.
Health, Peace and Love,
~ Philip R.

I am so enjoying your courses in a holistic way! I am learning, memorizing, and healing. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for reminding us of who we truly are in this reality. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, your passion for Holistic Iridology®. Thank you for the “I am Loved” pin.
~ Linda K.

Your classes were very interesting, knowledgeable and well explained. I look forward to continuing on to Level 4. I also want to thank you for your life’s work in creating Holistic Iridology®. This knowledge is so powerful and can absolutely save lives!
All the best,
~ Annastacia R.

Dr. Pesek,
First and foremost, you are absolutely amazing and I absolutely love your style of teaching. 100%! I completely understand and resonate with what you are teaching and I love that you’ve created your own charts, etc. through your own experience and research.
Thank you kindly,
~ Stephanie F.

Hello! I am taking the course and I love it. I have taken other courses, but this one is special. You are the best.
Thank you,
~ Osvaldo L.

I have appreciated all you have taught me and helped me with. I feel much better and am following the principles of well- being more than ever before. I didn’t realize a clogged brain is just like having a clogged colon. Duh! Gut and Brain connection taught in the class. Thanks for all you do.
Love you much,
~ Respectfully Dr. Sunni M.

I would like to express my appreciation for a Phenomenal class taught by Dr. Pesek. Also, the encouragement gave me a HUGE boost, that “I am better and better every day”. I feel much stronger working with my clients and encouraged in my everyday life.
As Dr. Pesek stated, some of us were taught “EARIDOLOGY”, not IRIDOLOGY, so this is a learning curve to make necessary corrections to offer accuracy to my clients. The extensive review that we had allowed me to understand “IRIDOLOGY” much better.
Thank you for your encouragement,
~ Dr. Cynthia H.