
49th Anniversary

January 22, 2025, is my 49th Anniversary of the day I began my life’s work in Natural Holistic Healthcare and founded the Center for Effective Living® in 1976. Deep in my heart and soul was the Divine knowing that the true path to wellness requires a holistic approach. Back in

Holistic Iridology® is now in 62 countries

Dr. Pesek’s Holistic Iridology® has students and/or graduates in 62 countries and territories worldwide. Afghanistan Algeria Antigua Australia Austria Bahamas Belize Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Cyprus Dominican Republic Ecuador England, UK Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Honduras Hong Kong India Indonesia Iraq Ireland Israel Jamaica Japan Kuwait

One year ago today…

One year ago today, I received the recognition award of Doctor Honoris Causa at the World Knowledge Summit at the Pontifica Universidad Católica del Ecuador located in Ibarra. The honorary doctorate was in recognition of my lifetime contributions to developing Holistic Iridology® and advancing natural medicine worldwide. I also presented

48th Anniversary

47th Anniversary

Special Friends, This Sunday I will be Celebrating, with Gratitude, all the people I have been Blessed to interact with on my Journey over the past 47 years. Thank you for being along my Path on my Life Journey.

46th Anniversary

January 22, 2022 is my 46th Anniversary of the day I began my life’s work in Natural Holistic Healthcare and founded the Center for Effective Living® in 1976. Deep in my heart and soul was the Divine knowing that the true path to wellness requires a holistic approach. Back in

Be Fearless

Be Fearless my Friends and know that you are Divinely Protected. A timely message about health, fear, anxiety, hope, holistic health and emotional health from David J. Pesek, PhD. Tags / Keywords #covid_19, #covıd19 #covid #coronavirus2020 #coronavirus #preventioncovid19 #stayathome #holistichealth #holistic #HolisticIridology #StayHome #Hope #Health #Fear #NoFear #Fearless #StopFear #Anxiety #Immunity #Immune #ImmuneSystem #EmotionalHealth #Emotional #EmotionalWellbeing

Holistic Iridology is now in 60 Countries

Dr. Pesek’s Holistic Iridology® has students and/or graduates in 60 countries and territories worldwide.   Afghanistan Algeria Antigua Australia Austria Bahamas Belize Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Cyprus Dominican Republic Ecuador England, UK Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Honduras Hong Kong India Indonesia Ireland Israel Jamaica Japan Kuwait Lebanon

44 Years

Today is my 44th Anniversary of the day I began my practice in Natural Healthcare and created the Center for Effective Living. My philosophy was Holistic from day 1. Back in 1976 people did not understand that “All Healing Begins at the Spiritual Level First then into the Mental and

Dr. Pesek Reaches Medical Professionals

Dr. Pesek was invited to give a lecture at the VIII Congreso Mundial en Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad (VIII World Congress in Antiaging and Longevity Medicine). This congress was held in Mexico City, Mexico at a large convention/expo center in the historic Reforma district of the city. David was given