Our office will be closed in celebration of the holidays starting Saturday, December 21st. We will reopen on Thursday, January 2nd.


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Dr. Pesek’s Holistic Iris Analysis & Reporting System

Dr. Pesek first created iris analysis and reporting system software in 1991. Since that time, he has consistently advanced and upgraded his program. David is always at the leading edge and ahead of his time.

There are no two irises alike, even with our world population over 8 billion. We are all unique in our own special way, yet we are all one as humankind. In this system, Dr. Pesek’s iris chart overlay is also unique. It is fully adaptable to any pattern in any iris in the world.

The comprehensive analysis portion includes 145 specific evaluations that are performed by the iridologist using their knowledge and skills. There is also a brief version with 16 evaluations. This is not an automated scanning program. Those types of programs are not yet accurate.

When the comprehensive analysis is completed, the program will generate 74 pages of holistic, educational information and guidelines – spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical – for the client based on their specific individual evaluations.

“Remember…Good Health is Your Choice”™

Sample Software data pages
(Click thumbnail to enlarge)

Create a Dynamic and Interactive Chart Overlay

Iris Examples with the Chart Overlay
(Click thumbnail to enlarge)

Some Additional Features of the 74-page Iris Report
(Click thumbnail to enlarge)

  • Operating Systems:
    • Windows: Windows 8.1 or newer (Windows 10/11 preferred) with .NET 4.7.2 Framework.
      • Tested on 64-bit Windows 10 & 11.
    • Mac: Compatible on Intel and Apple M Series using Parallels Desktop.
      • Tested on Intel and Apple M1 Series Mac Os.
  • Other Tech Specs:
    • RAM Memory: 4 GB (min), 8 GB (recommended)
    • Graphics Card: Integrated or external GPU
    • Monitor Resolution (min): 1280 x 800, 1920 x 1080 (recommended)
    • Hard Drive Space: 200 Megabytes
    • Internet: An internet connection is required for registration, license verification, and updates.

Take advantage of Special Introductory Pricing and Save $300!

Purchase your copy today!