Our office will be closed in celebration of the holidays starting Saturday, December 21st. We will reopen on Thursday, January 2nd.

National TV Exposure

National TV Exposure for Iridology via Satellite

Portland Helmich and Dr. Pesek on the studio set. She is an excellent TV show interviewer/host.

Dr. Pesek was asked by the show host, Portland Helmich, to be the expert on iridology for a new television show, What’s the Alternative? This show is part of the new Veria channel in HD via satellite. Veria focuses on natural health programming. The show was recorded in a production studio in Boston and was a success. International College of Iridology member, Patricia Clynch, appeared as a client of natural healthcare and related her positive experiences with having an iris analysis. Dr. Pesek explained the history and value of iris analysis, demonstrated iris photography and did a brief analysis of the host while on camera.

Patricia Clynch and Dr. Pesek in the green room before going on set.

The VP of Programming for Veria said, “We have covered iridology a number of times in other programs, but in this episode the explanation is the clearest, most succinct and most convincing yet. Excellent presentation!”

What’s the Alternative? DVD available in our Lecture DVDs section